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how to extend javascript classes

Why Child class doesn't have echo() method?

Parent = function(){
    this.name = 'abc';

Parent.prototype.echo = function(){

Child = function(){
    $.extend(this,  Parent);

var x = new Child();


What should I do to inherit from parent class in Javascript?

You need to set the prototype of Child to Parent .

function Parent() {
    this.name = 'abc';

Parent.prototype.echo = function () {

function Child() {


Child.prototype = new Parent()

var x = new Child();


I'm assuming you use jQuery. The jQuery extend system uses objects, not 'classes', see: http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.extend/

  • There are no 'classes' in javascript, only objects and prototypal inheritance
  • Parent, Child are not classes, they are functions(as well as objects)
  • Within Child, 'this' refers to the global object('window' for browsers)
  • use Child.prototype = new Parent()

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