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Telerik RadCalendar set focus on more than 1 dates

I want to focus on multiple dates in multiple months in a 3 month wide telerik RadCalendar view on my WPF project. Right now only the current date (today's date) gets highlighted (or focused). I want to focus on other dates too besides today's date. Any suggestions/ideas how to go about it?

First you get your daa from databaase and then Write Following Code

For Each dr As DataRow In dt.Rows 'cdrCalendar.SelectedDates.Add(Convert.ToDateTime(dr("Start")))

                'Convert.ToDateTime(ddlFromHours.SelectedItem.Text + " " + ddlAMPM.SelectedItem.Text).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm tt")

                If Convert.ToDateTime(dr("Start")).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") <> Convert.ToDateTime(Date.Today).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") Then
                    cdrCalendar.SelectedDates.Add(New RadDate(dr("Start"))) '(dr("Start")))
                End If


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