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c# Forms - MVC frameworks?

I need to develop a forms application with a DB backend. In future this may be linked to ASP.NET page. I was thinking of doing this as an MVC and reuse later.

So, What kind of MVC frameworks do you use?

I am interested in building forms quickly and any frameworks that link/bind control to database fields.

This O/R-Mapping-Framework includes a Solution for the MVC and Command-Pattern, which is recommended for Desktop-Applications.

There is a Demo-Application which demonstrates a simple Win-Forms-Application.

There are no really famous MVC frameworks for Windows Forms. There is probably a good reason for this - it's really difficult to implement MVC with Windows Forms due to the nature of the technology. I think you're much better off using MVVM with Windows Forms and I'm saying this as a huge fan of MVC.

Otherwise you need to give us more details of what you're doing and then we could probably offer some better advice.

In my knowledge there isn't a specific mvc framework for winforms, as for web applications (mvc2) . You'll have to implement the mvc (or better mv presenter) pattern by yourself. See this link http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc188690.aspx

MVC is really only a pattern to structure your code around.

If you are really going to take your app and port it to be available over the web later on then may I suggest that you code it as a WPF application using the MVVM pattern as this will involve less work in the long run.

Alternatively if use ASP from the start.

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