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Eclipse shows errors but I can't find them

I am trying to run my project but eclipse is saying I have errors but there are no errors just a red cross where the project name is. I have tried deleting the R.java and generating a new one but that didnt work

Thanks In Advance

Take a look at

Window → Show View → Problems


Window → Show View → Error Log

Based on the error you showed ('footballforum' is missing required Java project: 'ApiDemos'), I would check your build path. Right-click the footballforum project and choose Build Path > Configure Build Path . Make sure ApiDemos is on the projects tab of the build path options.

This happens from time to time in Eclipse. In the "Project" menu there's a "Clean" option, that usually takes care of the problem.

Go to project>clean and select the project which display error from check box and click ok , it will clear the error for you. Click the tab which display build automatically in the project menu And if this also does not work than restart the eclipse and try again it will work.

For me, this happens with Maven and Eclipse/STS whenever I update my IDE or import an existing Maven project. Go to the "Problems tab" ( Window -> Show View -> Problems ) and see what it says. Recently, the problems tab showed Project configuration is not up-to-date ... and suggested that I use Maven to update my project configuration, and this solved the "red X" problem. To do this, in the "Project Explorer" view, trigger the context menu and select Maven -> Update Project , as seen in this screenshot:

触发上下文菜单并选择 Maven -> Update Project

If you see the error in problem panel it will say : Description Resource Path Location Type Project configuration is not up-to-date with pom.xml. Select: Maven->Update Project... from the project context menu or use Quick Fix.

Solution : Right click on project > select : Maven->Update Project

Error gone.

Right Click on Project -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path. Check if Maven Dependencies is there in list, if not then update maven project by Right Click on Project -> Maven -> Update Project

I had a red X on a folder, but not on any of the files inside it. The only thing that fixed it was clicking and dragging some of the files from the problem folder into another folder, and then performing Maven -> Update Project . I could then drag the files back without the red X returning.

我刚刚删除了 JavaBuildPath 中的所有私有库,并再次添加了 jars ..它起作用了

Ensure you have Project | Build Automatically flagged. I ran into this issue too and turning that on fixed the problem.

I came across the same issue while working on a selenium project(maven). The Project folder and pom.xml were showing red cross symbol. This was coming as i had the test datasheet open. I could remove the error by just closing the datasheet and the never faced the issue again

在我的 Spring Boot 应用程序中,我右键单击我的应用程序类 -> 运行方式 -> Java 应用程序 -> 继续(将清除所有错误)

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