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how to make program that be in the taskbar windows-CE

how to make C# program that will be All time in the taskbar ?

i want to Build a Keyboard program.

i need that when i open the device the program will open and be in the taskbar.

another question is, when i have an external program that has a Textbox, how

to make that when i press any key in my C# keyboard it will be in this external Textbox ?

thank's in advance

It's not implemented in the CF, but the NotifyIcon class is what you're after. The SDF does implement it . It would be used something like this:

m_notifyIcon = new NotifyIcon();
m_notifyIcon.Icon = this.Icon;
m_notifyIcon.Visible = true;
m_notifyIcon.Click += new EventHandler(m_notifyIcon_Click);
m_notifyIcon.DoubleClick += new EventHandler(m_notifyIcon_DoubleClick);


If you want to implement this yourself, the place to start is with the Shell_NotifyIcon API. You'll want to pass it the handle to a MessageWindow class and handle the WM_NOTIFY messages.

To Create a system Tray application in Windows-CE, put some code like:

CSystemTray m_TrayIcon;   // Member variable of some class

// in some member function maybe...

m_TrayIcon.Create(pParentWnd, WM_MY_NOTIFY, "Click here", 
                  hIcon, nTrayIconID);

Eg. For a non-MFC tray icon, do the following:

CSystemTray m_TrayIcon;   // Member variable of some class

// in some member function maybe...

m_TrayIcon.Create(hInstance, NULL, WM_MY_NOTIFY, 
                  "Click here", hIcon, nID);

// Send all menu messages to hMyMainWindow


As found here:


To create a system tray application in Windows XP or Windows 7/Vista, put some code like this in your project:

private void Form1_Resize(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
   if (FormWindowState.Minimized == WindowState)

and this to handle the system tray click

private void notifyIcon1_DoubleClick(object sender,
                                     System.EventArgs e)
    WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;

This and more information found at :


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