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Why doesn't h:dataTable inside ui:repeat get correct ID?


<ui:repeat var="obj" value="#{demo2Bean.someList}">
    <h:panelGroup id="foo" />
    <h:dataTable id="bar" />


<span id="j_idt55:0:foo"></span>
<table id="j_idt55:0:bar"><tbody><tr><td></td></tr></tbody></table>
<span id="j_idt55:1:foo"></span>
<table id="j_idt55:0:bar"><tbody><tr><td></td></tr></tbody></table>

As you can see, the id for datatables is the same 'j_idt55:0:bar' but for panelGroups it grows (as should): 'j_idt55:0:foo', 'j_idt55:1:foo'. Why is it so?

Because it's a bug in UIData#getClientId() . I've reported it as issue 1830 .

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