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Passing a Enum value as a parameter from JSF

I am trying to migrate my existing code to using Enum and I run into some problems due to my lack experience with Enum. First of all here is my structures. In my EJB , alongs with Entity, I have a enum class (not sure if it even a class).

public enum Type {

At my managed bean myBean.java , I have

public class myBean {

    private Type type;

    public myBean() {

    public Type getType() {
        return type;

    public void setType(Type type) {
        this.type = type;

    public void Test(Type t){


then at my JSF,

<h:commandButton value="Test" action="#{myBean.Test(myBean.type.PROFILE_COMMENT)}" />

I got java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: saying Type is not a class

The reason I have Type in my EJB so that I can create an enumerated type for my Entity, so my query would look like this

select c from X c where c.type = Type.PROFILE_COMMENT

You can't access enums like that in EL. JSF has however builtin enum converters for EL. You can just use the enum name as string.

<h:commandButton value="Test" action="#{myBean.Test('PROFILE_COMMENT')}" />

In my case that helped me.

Simple compare enum to its value. EL recognize it and also check if that value exists while validating xhtml.

<c:if test="#{requestManager.selectedRequestType == 'ItemCreate' or requestManager.selectedRequestType == 'ItemChange'}"></c:if>

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