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start iphone 3d game programming

Hi I am iphone developer, I already know iphone programming. I wrote couple of GPS based apps. Now I want to start learning 3D graphcis and game development. I want to make very simple games. ALso I want to learn how to make a solid object in Iphone. Any suggestions where to start from ? ANy books etc ?

If you're interested in commercial 3D game programming, I would recommend you take a look at http://unity3d.com . It simplifies a lot of problems, and you can start to play with a free version.

If your interest is in understanding the basics of 3D programming in the iPhone, you could start with the OpenGL ES Programming Guide (either the 2.0 version for iPhone 4 or the 1.x for 3G/GS).

Another book that seems good is: iPhone 3D Programming: Developing Graphical Applications with OpenGL ES although I haven't read it yet.

Look at Unity 3d. Its incredibly easy to use, and I made my first 3d game with it just last week!

I'm sort of working through the book Beginning iPhone Game Development (apress) which eventually goes through the development of an entire "2.5D" 3D asteroids type game. It sticks to relatively low-level stuff like OpenGL ES rather than teaching you something like Unity.

Go for Beginning iPhone Games Development by Apress this one is more useful for those who started to develop game for iPhone. This book explores the basics of openGL ES for iphone game development.

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