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how to show exception variable value in alert box in asp.net using C#

I have the following code, but the alert box is not displaying.

    do something..          
catch(Exception ex)

If I use this code, the alert box appears.

    do some thing
catch (Exception ex)
    Response.Write("<script>alert(\"an error occur\")</script>");

How can I display the exception variable in an alert box?

If you want to show the stacktrace:

Response.Write("<script>alert('"+ Server.HtmlEncode(ex.ToString()) + "')</script>");

or if you want only the message

Response.Write("<script>alert('"+ Server.HtmlEncode(ex.Message) + "')</script>");

Try something like


Have a look at the class Exception Class

 Dim message = New JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(rs)
 Dim script = String.Format("alert({0});", message)
 ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, Page.GetType(), "", Script, True)

This solved my problem:

  string jscriptCustInfo = "<script type='text/javascript' language='javascript'>";
  jscriptCustInfo = jscriptCustInfo + "alert('Dividend Posting Done, Batch No: "+lblBatch.Text+"');";

  jscriptCustInfo = jscriptCustInfo + "</script>";
  ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", jscriptCustInfo, false);


You need to be careful and properly escape the Javascript string you are generating ... Imagine there are single quotes in the Exception's message ...

Single-quotes ( ' ) need to be escaped ( \\' )

Response.Write("<script>alert('"+ Server.HtmlEncode(ex.Message).Replace("'","\\'" ) + "')</script>");

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