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C# XML serialization error

I have an XML dox like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Server Manufacturer="SQL" Version="1">
  <Database Name="Test123" >
      <Device Name="Testdata" ..../>
      <Device Name="Testlog" ..../>

I want to deserialize it like this: var database = (Database)xmlSerializer.Deserialize(new StreamReader(xmlFilePath));

where Database is a Class with a collection of Devices.

It works fine when I comment out the Server tags in the XML file but i don't want to. I get an error saying "There is an error in XMl document line (1, 4)"

How can I tell the serialize to ignore the server tag and do I need to put a namespace in the XML file?

I tried putting [XmlRootAttribute("Database")] on the Database object but I still get the same error

If you really don't want to create Server class just remove <Server/> "wrapper" from loaded xml.

For example, instead of this:

    new StreamReader(xmlFilePath));

do this:


You should deserialize Server class which will look like:

public class Server
    public string Manufacturer{get;set;}
    public int Version {get;set;}
    public Database Database {get;set;}

Then deserialize:

var server = (Server)xmlSerializer.Deserialize(new StreamReader(xmlFilePath));
var database = server.Database;

I believe your XmlRootAttribute is the problem, add Server as XmlRootAttribute .. below the sample code

[XmlRootAttribute("Server", Namespace = "", IsNullable = false)]    
public class YourClass
    public YourClass()

    public string Manufacturer { get; set; }


and deserialize the server not database

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