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How to add multiple generic type constraints for a type parameter in VS 2010 UML Class Diagram parameterized type?

namespace ConsoleApplication8
    public class Foo<T>
        where T : IFoo, IFoo2
        public Foo(T fooThing)

    public interface IFoo
        string Name {get;}

    public interface IFoo2
        string Name2 {get;}

The Template Parameter Collection Editor in VS 2010 UML class diagram designer, doesn't seem to allow you add multiple constraints to a single generic type parameter.

(image was rejected because I don't have enough "reputation" points )

Am I missing something? Basically, how do I model in VS 2010 UML Class Designer, multiple type parameter constraints like that in the code sample?

You're correct - VS can't show that. The UI only lets you pick one constraining type.

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