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How to show all parents and subclasses of a class in IntelliJ IDEA?

When I'm editing a Java class in Eclipse, when my cursor is over a class variable, I can do Ctrl + T to have a popup that shows all its parents and subclasses. What is the equivalent in IntelliJ?


Use|r user = new User();

The pipe is my cursor.

Navigate | Type Hierarchy Ctrl + H will show similar information, however in the Panel. You can Float and Unpin the Panel so that it appears on the fixed display position only when you use the keyboard shortcut.

在行为方面,IntelliJ IDEA 中 Eclipse Ctrl + T的等价物是Ctrl + Alt + B

不是 IntelliJ IDEA 用户,但这篇博文似乎表明在 8.1.1 及更高版本中Ctrl + Alt + U将显示“快速类层次结构”。

Intellij does - in contrast to Eclipse - distinguish between type hierachies and implementation classes . I'm still undecided whether this is a good thing or not (just switched over from Eclipse to Intellij myself)

On a Mac Intellij 14

  • Ctrl + H will bring up the type hierarchy showing you sub- and supertypes
  • Cmd + Alt + B will show you all implementing classes and subclasses of the interface/class you're interested in

Also try CTRL + SHIFT + A in case of any doubt. The short cut for short cut information.

在 IntelliJ IDEA 12 中,导航 > 类型层次结构(默认为Ctrl + H )。

For Mac users who come here, this is the shortcut for IntelliJ 14.1.4:

+ H by default.

For Mac Users, the shortcut is

^ (control) + h

In IntelliJ 13, it's Navigate > Implementations or CMD + ALT + B by default. Of course, this shortcut can be overridden in your Keymap preferences.

I don't know about prior versions, but in IntelliJ version 13 you can go into your Keymap preferences, search for "Implementations", and bind that to Ctrl + T . It will work very much like the Eclipse equivalent.

With Eclipse, hitting Ctrl + T on a type displays its subtypes and hit again Ctrl + T displays so supertypes. And so for... this is a toggle.
That is really helpful and also very straight.

Unfortunately with IntelliJ, the switch between the supertypes and the subtypes doesn't have any default shortcut. So you will have to click on the icons of the hierarchy windows.
If like me you favor the keyboard shortcuts to the "move cursor and click on mouse" option, I encourage you to set a binding for these two operations. For example Ctrl + Down for subtypes and Ctrl + Up for supertypes.

Where you can change the binding ("Bas" means "Down" and "Haut" means "Up") : 投标

Note that these bindings are contextual to the "Other" context (Eclipse does have a similar enough concept). 1) In this way, enter Ctrl + T on a ArrayList type produces :


2) Enter Ctrl + Down focuses on subtypes :


3) And Enter Ctrl + Up focuses on supertypes :


In this way, I find it better than the default behavior but to be honest even with that shortcut adding, the IntelliJ feature is not as good as Eclipse which the Ctrl + T shortcut also works on methods...

Whilst Eclipse includes the type hierarchy and class structure (methods, fields etc.) in a single view, IntelliJ splits these up: In addition to the CTRL + H (or ALT + 8 ) "Type Hierarchy" view, the other relevant IntelliJ window is called "Structure" and can be invoked via ALT + 7 (Structure Tool Window) or CTRL + F12 (Structure popup).

(Not a direct answer to the exact question posted but would expect others from an Eclipse background may arrive here having googled for "intellij type hierarchy", as I did.)

Ctrl+U - go to base class

Ctrl+Alt+B - got to implementation. Type parts of class name to narrow down the list

Ctrl+H - open type hierarchy tool window

Ctrl+Alt+U - peek class/interface inheritance hierarchy

在 Eclipse 中有一个层次视图,查看菜单 View / Tool Windows / Hierarchy 或按 Alt-8 或 F4。

One more option to do this:

For Windows user:

Ctrl + Alt + Left mouse click on type, method etc.


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