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bash script, line 30: syntax error: unexpected end of file

I`v wrote some script, and have unexpected end of file

echo off
if [$JAVA_HOME = ""]; then goto no_java_home fi
if [$SRV_HOME = ""]; then  goto no_srv_home fi
export ACP=""
export ACP=$ACP;$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar
export ACP=$ACP;$SRV_HOME/ant/lib/ant.jar
export ACP=$ACP;$SRV_HOME/ant/lib/ant-launcher.jar
export ACP=$ACP;$SRV_HOME/ant/lib/ant-nodeps.jar
export ACP=$ACP;$SRV_HOME/ant/lib/optional.jar
export ACP=$ACP;$SRV_HOME/ant/lib/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Xmx512m -classpath $ACP org.apache.tools.ant.Main -buildfile $SRV_HOME/ant/ant_script.xml %*
goto ends

echo "You should set the TMX_HOME environment variable. For example: TMX_HOME=d:\MYSERVER"
goto ends

echo "You should set the JAVA_HOME environment variable"
goto ends
ends: echo "OK"

Where is my problem?

Your problem is that your script looks like a haphazard mix of bash and cmd syntax. Here's a bash script.

if [ "$JAVA_HOME" = "" ]; then
  echo 1>&2 "$0: You need to set the JAVA_HOME variable, e.g.: export JAVA_HOME='c:/java'"
  exit 2
if [ "$SRV_HOME" = "" ]; then
  echo 1>&2 "$0: You need to set the SRV_HOME variable, e.g.: export SRV_HOME='d:/myserver'"
  exit 2
echo "$0: Uses JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_HOME"
echo "$0: Uses SRV_HOME=$SRV_HOME"
for x in ant ant-launcher ant-nodeps optional ant-contrib-1.0b3; do
"$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" -Xmx512m -classpath "$ACP" \
                      org.apache.tools.ant.Main \
                      -buildfile "$SRV_HOME/ant/ant_script.xml" \

Here's a list of things I've corrected:

  • Bash has structured programming constructs (blocks, conditionals, loops). It doesn't have goto.
  • The test command [ … ] requires spaces on each side of the brackets (except with punctuation like ; ).
  • All variable substitutions ( $foo ) should be in double quotes (otherwise the shell will do strange things if the value of the variable contains certain special characters such as spaces).
  • Error messages should be displayed on the error output: echo 1>&2 "this is an error message" . (This would apply to a cmd script as well.)
  • If an error occurs, the script should return a non-zero status. (This would apply to a cmd script as well.)
  • Since ACP is an internal script variable, there is no need to export it into the environment.
  • ; is a special character, so it must be quoted when you want to use it in a string.
  • (Optional) You can avoid repeating the same string many times with a loop (loops in bash don't have the crazy limitations they have in cmd).
  • Cmd's %* is bash's "$@" .
  • (Optional) If your script is called by another script which is called etc, it's nice to have the script name $0 in each error message.
  • (Optional) You can break a long command line with a backslash at the end of the line.

Goto, really?

Alter your if statements to add a semi-colon before fi

if [$JAVA_HOME = ""]; then goto no_java_home ; fi

for example.

Your shell is unable to distinguish between the no_java_home command and the fi command because they appeared on the same line without a semi-colon delimiter or anything else that would end a statement. You have the same problem on your lines with clear echo; as far as sh is concerned echo here is used as an argument to clear and is not a separate command.

But please, rewrite this without using goto!

Like this:

if [$JAVA_HOME = ""] ; then
        echo "You should set the JAVA_HOME environment variable"
elif [$SRV_HOME = ""] ; then
        echo "You should set the TMX_HOME environment variable. For example: TMX_HOME=d:\MYSERVER"
        echo Uses JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_HOME

        echo Uses SRV_HOME=$SRV_HOME

        export ACP=""

        export ACP=$ACP;$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar

        export ACP=$ACP;$SRV_HOME/ant/lib/ant.jar

        export ACP=$ACP;$SRV_HOME/ant/lib/ant-launcher.jar

        export ACP=$ACP;$SRV_HOME/ant/lib/ant-nodeps.jar

        export ACP=$ACP;$SRV_HOME/ant/lib/optional.jar

        export ACP=$ACP;$SRV_HOME/ant/lib/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar

        $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Xmx512m -classpath $ACP org.apache.tools.ant.Main -buildfile

        $SRV_HOME/ant/ant_script.xml %*

echo "OK"

If I rewrite the following lines differently, the unexpected end of file error goes off.

Original line:

if [$JAVA_HOME = ""]; then goto no_java_home fi    
if [$SRV_HOME = ""]; then goto no_srv_home fi 


if [$JAVA_HOME = ""]; then 
  goto no_java_home 

if [$SRV_HOME = ""]; then 
  goto no_srv_home 

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