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Remove a specific inline style with Javascript|jQuery

I have the following code in my html:

<p id='foo' style='text-align:center; font-size:14pt; font-family:verdana; color:red'>hello world</p>

and that in my external css:

#foo{ font-size:11pt; font-family:arial; color:#000; }

I want to remove all font-size and font-family in the style atribute, but not the color and others set in external css.

Result expected:

<p id='foo' style='text-align:center; color:red'>hello world</p>

Already tried:

$('#foo').removeAttr('style');   // That removes all inline
$('#foo').css('font-family',''); // That remove the css setted too

For those that aren't using jQuery, you can delete specific styles from the inline styles using the native removeProperty method. Example:


Of course, IE < 9 doesn't support this so you'll have to use


so a cross browser way to do it would be:

if (elem.style.removeProperty) {
} else {



I think there is no proper solution to this problem (without changing your markup). You could search and replace the style attribute's value:

var element = $('#foo');
element.attr('style', element.attr('style').replace(/font-size:[^;]+/g, '').replace(/font-family:[^;]+/g, ''))

By far the best solution would be to get rid of the inline styles and manage the styles by using classes.

In 2019, the simplest way to remove a property seems to be:

elem.style.border = "";

Similarly, to set a border:

elem.style.outline = "1px solid blue";

Should work across all browsers too!

My suggestion would be to stay away from setting this stuff using inline styles. I would suggest using classes and then using jQuery to switch between them:


#foo{ font-size:11pt; font-family:arial; color:#000; }
#foo.highlight {text-align:center; font-size:14pt; font-family:verdana; color:red}


<p id="foo" class="highlight">hello world</p>



dynamic add and remove inline style property

 var check=()=>{ console.log('test') var el=document.getElementById("id"); var condition=el.style['color']!=""?true:false; if(condition){ el.style.removeProperty('color') } else{ el.style.color="red" } }
 <div id="id" style="display:block">dynamic style</div> <button onclick="check()">apply style</button>

From what I can see you really need two different styles for the paragraph. It might be easier to set those up in CSS and then just use jQuery to remove / add as you need:

#styleOne { color: red; font: normal 14pt Verdana; text-align: center; }

#styleTwo{ color: #000; font: normal 11pt Arial; text-align: center; }

Your initial html will look like:

<p id="styleOne">hello world</p>

And then to revert to styleTwo in jQuery


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