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Loading files from external directories with embedded lua in C++ ?

I'm writing a basic scripting system using lua in C++. One of my glue functions is called from this:

lua_register(luaVM, "openFile", l_dial.l_specifyF);

And is coded as follows:

static int l_specifyF(lua_State* luaVM) {
    const char* c = lua_tostring(luaVM, -1);
        luaL_dofile(luaVM, c);

    catch(...) {
        cout << "Unable to open file" << endl;
        luaL_dofile(luaVM, "startup.lua");
    return 1;

When I call it in my application, it works 100% if I call a file from a local directory like openFile("somefile.lua") or openFile("someotherfile.lua") , but crashes when calling files located in external folders such as openFile("scripts/ohdear.lua") .

Note that this does actually work on some occasions, which only adds to the confusion. Are there any reasons for this? How can I remedy my application to use files from external directories?

From your description I seriously doubt that it has something to do with folder struction. My guess is, that you are observing an late reaction from an earlier error...

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