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NetBeans/Tomcat deployment problem

When I tried to run my project in NetBeans 6.9, I got this error:

Starting Tomcat process...

Waiting for Tomcat...

Tomcat server started.

Incrementally deploying localhost:8084/hastaneBilgiSistemi

Completed incremental distribution of localhost:8084/hastaneBilgiSistemi

Incrementally redeploying localhost:8084/hastaneBilgiSistemi

Deploy is in progress...

deploy?config=file%3A%2FC%3A%2FUsers%2FyakUP%2FAppData%2FLocal%2FTemp% 2Fcontext1397063015253659398.xml&path=/hastaneBilgiSistemi
Connection refused: connect

C:\\Users\\yakUP\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\hastaneBilgiSistemi\\nbproject\\build-impl.xml:688: The module has not been deployed. BUILD FAILED (total time: 40 seconds)

How can I fix this?

Today I ve got same error

Incrementally deploying http://localhost:8084/hastaneBilgiSistemi
Completed incremental distribution of http://localhost:8084/hastaneBilgiSistemi
Incrementally redeploying http://localhost:8084/hastaneBilgiSistemi
Deploy is in progress...
FAIL - Deployed application at context path /hastaneBilgiSistemi but context failed to start
C:\Users\yakUP\Documents\NetBeansProjects\hastaneBilgiSistemi\nbproject\build-impl.xml:688: The module has not been deployed.
BUILD FAILED (total time: 1 second)

I ve restarted Nb and pc . Problem didn't resolved. please help me

Restart netbeans. I had a similar problem and worked for me.

In my case there was a conflict in the library, I used 2 versions of slf4j. Both versions are conflicting if used together. So I removed the old one, did clean and build and ran the project again. It worked normally. No need to restart netbeans nor tomcat.

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