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Repeat last command with an exclamation? Vim

When I've just typed a huge command such as:

:e ~/Projects/foo/app/views/bar.rhtml

Vim inevitably tells me that I haven't saved the current buffer. Is there a quick way to repeat the command with an exclamation point, without having to retype the whole thing?

:e! #

指定vim文件时, %是当前文件的快捷方式, #是“previous”(实际上更像是“other”)文件的快捷方式,在你的情况下是~/.../bar.rhtml


:<up><home><right>! ?

The easiest way I know offhand is to hit ESC : and then use history (either ^p or up-arrow) to get at your previous command again. Ironically editing within that buffer is more emacs-like than vi-like.

You could actually bind this to a key with :map ! :^[OA^[[1~^[OC!^M :map ! :^[OA^[[1~^[OC!^M (each of those escape characters and the ^M need to be actual escape characters -- you can get them by typing ^V first)

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