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Can I use WSPBuilder in a sharepoint continuous integration system?

We use a teamcity server to do CI for some things, we have started with some sharepoint web part development (again) and would like to integrate this into our CI system

Using WSPBuilder on the desktop works really well but I am not sure how to fire off the tasks on the CI server. Has anyone done this? Are there MSbuild targets around to do it... or how would I go about writing my own? (is that even possible!?)


edit: if it is not clear I want WSPBuilder on the CI server to do the building of the WSP (ideally automating the desktop experience also so the CI server and developers machines are doing the same thing)

是的 - WSPBuilder最初是一个命令行工具,WSPBuilder的VS插件部分仍然只是一个没有太多功能的接口 - 在你的构建服务器上安装WSPBuilder你应该能够用Exec做你需要的一切任务。

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