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Is there any built in browser support for crypto random numbers in IE and Webkit? Firefox has window.crypto

Is there anything similar to https://developer.mozilla.org/en/javascript_crypto for IE or webkit browsers?

I just need to generate cryptographically secure pseudo-random numbers, but I don't want to have to include a large 3rd party js library.

你应该读入缓冲区而不是直接读入字符串,因为上面的代码将是UTF-8编码的(为什么你有这么多的\\ 0xFFFD字节)

This is a fairly small SHA1 module that could be seeded with Date.now + some salt n pepper to provide a fairly random string. Strip out the alphas and keep calling until you have enough numbers for your needs.


Definitely hacky - so perhaps an ajax call to a webservice would suffice?

I second the webservice idea and offer this suggestion: random.org , a truly random numbers generator.

I noticed "crypto" in the Firefox 3 global scope, then found this reference .

Unfortunately, when I try crypto.random(8) in the JavaScript Error Console, it throws a NotImplemented error. I'd like to see this function made standard.

On node.js running on osx/linux I recommend this:

node> var urandom = fs.openSync('/dev/urandom', 'r');

node> fs.readSync(urandom, 8);

[ '.\ufffd\u000f\ufffdK!L\ufffd', 8 ]

I believe a synchronous read is ok, because /dev/urandom will always be non-blocking and doesn't rely on disk IO.

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