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Creating Custom JSF 1.2 Components

We are migrating some of our custom components from JSF 1.1 to 1.2. We have one component (a date selector) which extends HtmlInputText component. We are getting a JSP error when trying to use a validator with this component. Our tag class extends HtmlInputTag (most of the examples online I've read extend UIComponentELTag, so not sure if this is a problem). The component works fine until we add ' validator="..." ' at which point we get a JSP compilation problem. Looking for any suggestions on what could be the problem.

I work with the OP (user502058) and just wanted to follow up on the solution to this issue. We undid the "fix" posted earlier related to the the tag class ancestry - our custom component tag class extends HTMLInputTag. I ended up copying the entire entry for the standard inputText component from the JSF 1.2 TLDs and added the 5 attributes related to our custom component. This resolved the problem. There was something missing in the TLD and that's what was causing the compilation error. I didn't have time to sift through all attributes and pinpoint the root cause, but it's working fine now.

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