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Converting between Cocoa and Carbon coordinates?

I am looking for a robust (I mean working in all multi-munitor configuration) algo to convert a cocoa point/rect to carbon equivalent and the reverse operation.

I've googled but was unable to find something which work properly.

Thanks in advance for your help.


After several iterations I got to the following category on NSScreen :

+ (NSScreen*) screenWithPoint: (NSPoint) p
    for (NSScreen *candidate in [NSScreen screens])
        if (NSPointInRect(p, [candidate frame]))
            return candidate;
    return nil;

+ (NSScreen*) screenWithMenuBar
    return [self screenWithPoint:NSZeroPoint];

+ (float) menuScreenHeight
    return NSMaxY([[self screenWithMenuBar] frame]);

+ (CGPoint) carbonPointFrom: (NSPoint) cocoaPoint
    return CGPointMake(cocoaPoint.x, [self menuScreenHeight] - cocoaPoint.y);

+ (NSPoint) cocoaPointFrom: (CGPoint) carbonPoint
    return NSMakePoint(carbonPoint.x, [self menuScreenHeight] - carbonPoint.y);

This works fine even with multiple displays.

The posted code from Apple's code from UIElementInspector turn out to be buggy, in that it doesn't account for the origin of a non-main screen. The fixed (and refactored) code looks like this:

+ (CGPoint)carbonScreenPointFromCocoaScreenPoint:(NSPoint)cocoaPoint {
  NSScreen* foundScreen = nil;
  NSRect screenFrame;
  for (NSScreen* screen in [NSScreen screens]) {
    screenFrame = [screen frame];
    if (NSPointInRect(cocoaPoint, screenFrame)) {
      foundScreen = screen;
  if (! foundScreen) return CGPointMake(0.0, 0.0);
  return CGPointMake(cocoaPoint.x, 
    screenFrame.origin.y + screenFrame.size.height - cocoaPoint.y);

Or take Apple's code from UIElementInspector sample project:

+ (CGPoint)carbonScreenPointFromCocoaScreenPoint:(NSPoint)cocoaPoint
    NSScreen *foundScreen = nil;
    CGPoint thePoint;

    for (NSScreen *screen in [NSScreen screens])
        if (NSPointInRect(cocoaPoint, [screen frame]))
            foundScreen = screen;

    if (foundScreen)
        CGFloat screenHeight = [foundScreen frame].size.height;
        thePoint = CGPointMake(cocoaPoint.x, screenHeight - cocoaPoint.y - 1);
        thePoint = CGPointMake(0.0, 0.0);

    return thePoint;

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