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PHP: Call to undefined function mb_strlen() - on custom compiled PHP with mbstring enabled

I have this custom compiled PHP (v5.3.3) with the following extensions enabled (via configure):


phpinfo() clearly states that mbstring is enabled: 替代文字

Funny thing is when I try to run some PHP scripts (SugarCRM updates), it reports the following error:

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_strlen() in crm/include/pclzip/pclzip.lib.php on line 4165

Can anyone throw some light into WHY this is happening and how to fix this?

Thanks, m^e

On my Windows system with PHP and Apache, I had to modify the PHP.INI file so that it includes the following line:


(inside the main [PHP] section) and restart Apache. After that, the call to mb_strlen did succeed.

For PHP 4.3.3 or before, To enable that feature, you will have to supply either one of the following options to the LANG parameter of --enable-mbstring=LANG ; --enable-mbstring=cn for Simplified Chinese support, --enable-mbstring=tw for Traditional Chinese support, --enable-mbstring=kr for Korean support, --enable-mbstring=ru for Russian support, and --enable-mbstring=ja for Japanese support (default). To enable all supported encoding, use --enable-mbstring=all


  • configure again with --enable-mbstring only

  • grep mb_strlen $PATH_TO_YOUR_PHP_BINARY to see is it exist

Simple solution.

Instead mb_strlen() only use strlen() .

To me, it worked a few times.

I had the same problem, this is an issue with php version.

first run

sudo apt install php-mbstring

to install mbstring to the latest installed version of php

then run:

 sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

and restart apache with

 sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Good luck

Put this phpinfo() in a some php file for the output. And look for MbString seperate box there, if it is not present, then it is not installed properly.

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