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balancing an AVL tree (C++)

I'm having the hardest time trying to figure out how to balance an AVL tree for my class. I've got it inserting with this:

Node* Tree::insert(int d)
    cout << "base insert\t" << d << endl;
    if (head == NULL)
        return (head = new Node(d));
        return insert(head, d);

Node* Tree::insert(Node*& current, int d)
    cout << "insert\t" << d << endl;
    if (current == NULL)
        current = new Node(d);
    else if (d < current->data) {
        insert(current->lchild, d);
        if (height(current->lchild) - height(current->rchild)) {
            if (d < current->lchild->getData())
    else if (d > current->getData()) {
        insert(current->rchild, d);
        if (height(current->rchild) - height(current->lchild)) {
            if (d > current->rchild->getData())

    return current;

My plan was to have the calls to balance() check to see if the tree needs balancing and then balance as needed. The trouble is, I can't even figure out how to traverse the tree to find the correct unbalanced node. I know how to traverse the tree recursively, but I can't seem to translate that algorithm into finding the lowest unbalanced node. I'm also having trouble writing an iterative algorithm. Any help would be appreciated. :)

You can measure the height of a branch at a given point to calculate the unbalance

(remember a difference in height (levels) >= 2 means your tree is not balanced)

int Tree::Height(TreeNode *node){
     int left, right;

         return 0;
     left = Height(node->left);
     right = Height(node->right);
  if(left > right)
            return left+1;
            return right+1;

Depending on the unevenness then you can rotate as necessary

void Tree::rotateLeftOnce(TreeNode*& node){
     TreeNode *otherNode;

     otherNode = node->left;
     node->left = otherNode->right;
     otherNode->right = node;
     node = otherNode;

void Tree::rotateLeftTwice(TreeNode*& node){

void Tree::rotateRightOnce(TreeNode*& node){
     TreeNode *otherNode;

     otherNode = node->right;
     node->right = otherNode->left;
     otherNode->left = node;
     node = otherNode;

void Tree::rotateRightTwice(TreeNode*& node){

Now that we know how to rotate, lets say you want to insert a value in the tree... First we check whether the tree is empty or not

TreeNode* Tree::insert(int d){
         return (root = new TreeNode(d));  //Is empty when root = null
         return insert(root, d);           //step-into the tree and place "d"

When the tree is not empty we use recursion to traverse the tree and get to where is needed

TreeNode* Tree::insert(TreeNode*& node, int d_IN){
     if(node == NULL)  // (1) If we are at the end of the tree place the value
         node = new TreeNode(d_IN);
     else if(d_IN < node->d_stored){  //(2) otherwise go left if smaller
         insert(node->left, d_IN);    
         if(Height(node->left) - Height(node->right) == 2){
            if(d_IN < node->left->d_stored)
     else if(d_IN > node->d_stored){ // (3) otherwise go right if bigger
        insert(node->right, d_IN);
        if(Height(node->right) - Height(node->left) == 2){
            if(d_IN > node->right->d_stored)
     return node;

You should always check for balance (and do rotations if necessary) when modifying the tree, no point waiting until the end when the tree is a mess to balance it. That just complicates things...


There is a mistake in your implementation, in the code below you are not checking correctly whether the tree is unbalanced. You need to check whether the height is equals to 2 (therefore unbalance). As a result the code bellow...

if (height(current->lchild) - height(current->rchild)) { ...

if (height(current->rchild) - height(current->lchild)) {...

Should become...

if (height(current->lchild) - height(current->rchild) == 2) { ...

if (height(current->rchild) - height(current->lchild) == 2) {...

Some Resources

Wait, wait, wait. You aren't really going to check the "height" of every branch each time you're inserting something, are you?

Measuring the height means transversing all the sub-branch. Means - every insert into such a tree will cost O(N). If so - what do you need such a tree? You may use a sorted array as well: it gives O(N) insertion/deletion and O(log N) search.

A correct AVL handling algorithm must store the left/right height difference at each node. Then, after every operation (insert/remove) - you must make sure none of the affected nodes will be too much unbalanced. To do this you do the so-called "rotations". During them you don't actually re-measure the heights. You just don't have to: every rotation changes the balance of the affected nodes by some predictable value.

转到http://code.google.com/p/self-balancing-avl-tree/ ,所有常见的操作,如添加,删除,以及concat和split

Commented out is the code right rotate above and left rotate, below is my working right rotate and my working left rotate. I think the logic in the rotate above is inversed:

 void rotateRight(Node *& n){
    //Node* temp = n->right;
    //n->right = temp->left;
    //temp->left = n;
    //n = temp;
    cout << "}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}ROTATE RIGHT}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}" << endl;
    Node *temp = n->left;
    n->left = temp->right;
    temp->right = n;
    n = temp;

void rotateLeft(Node *& n){
    //Node *temp = n->left;
    //n->left = temp->right;
    //temp->right = n;
    //n = temp;
    cout << "}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}ROTATE LEFT}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}" << endl;
    Node* temp = n->right;
    n->right = temp->left;
    temp->left = n;
    n = temp;

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