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GWT - Trouble with History first token

I have this problem : when i call the Content class (the one who decide which page to view, due to the #param) I do somethings like this :

} else {

So, now, if i look at browser's navigation bar, i see http://localhost:8084/GWT/?gwt.codesvr= . And that's right. Unfortunatly, If i press Back on my browser, i see that it load the previous address, such as http://localhost:8084/GWT/?gwt.codesvr=

I have a sort of "fake" page at the beginning.

1 - How can I fix it? And start the application with a default token, or remove it in the history. Or just call the onValueChange method when there is empty token, and after decide the workflow with a sort of switch/if-else.

2 - As related question, when i call History.addValueChangeHandler(this); in the costructor class, netbeans say "Leaking this in constructor". What it means?


Maybe you forgot to add History.fireCurrentHistoryState(); to end of onModuleLoad() method?

You need to set a history token and fire the history change event with current token. Heres how you could do it:

/ If the application starts with no history token, redirect to a new
// 'homepage' state.
String initToken = History.getToken();
if (initToken.length() == 0) {

// Add widgets etc

// Add history listener

// Fire the initial history state.

IMHO, home url in form of "proto://hostname#homepage" is ugly :)

1. Just a suggestion:

String token = History.getToken();
String page = token.isEmpty() ? "homepage" : token;

2. Does Your EntryPoint implement ValueChangeHandler<String> ?

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