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How do I Handle tokens within text blocks in JavaCC?

I have a simple aspect of a DSL where I can define a key and a value as such:

 mykey=\\ This is my $REF{useful} multiline string where I terminate with a backslash but I support escaped \\\\ characters and I wish to handle the value part of this string as 3 blocks in this example. \\ 

The three tokens (for the value part) I would like in this example are

  • ValueLiteral == This is my
  • ValueReference == $REF{useful}
  • ValueLiteral == multiline etc....

I defined a rule for the value as such:

void multiLineValue(): {} {
    valuePartLiteralMulti() |

Here is my TOKEN definition for the multiline string type:

     < MULTILINE_STRING:(  ( (~["\\"])
    | ("\\"
        ( ["\\", "'", "\"", "$", "n", "r", "t", "b", "f"]
        | ["u", "U"]["+"]["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"]["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"]["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"]["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"]
      ) ))+>

My problem is that my multi line string token type also consumes the character sequence of the '$REF{' characters.

I would like to modify this multi-line string so that it will stop consuming characters when it encounters an unescaped "$REF{" (but will continue reading past a "\\$REF{" sequence).

Any assistance would be much appreciated.

I'm not sure, but in your token definition you also include $ (in unicode?), maybe you should add ~("$") (or the unicode equivalent) at the beginnig.

Or you can use syntatic LOOKAHEAD, something like LOOKAHEAD(valuePartRef())...

ps Can you have more than one REF?

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