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VS.NET MSI Installer Screen Customization

I've added two textbox screens to my MSI installer, and have a custom installer action that hooks back to the application I'm installing to save config settings to the app.config file.

My question is this: Other than the MSI property screens that allow you to add default text to the MSI custom textboxes, is there a way to have the MSI grab values to put into the text fields from a file or web service, or something? I don't really want these values hard coded into the MSI property screens, and have to recompile and redistribute to change them.

I'd really like to just throw an XML, or CSV file in WITH the installer, and have it read them out of that file, but I haven't seen a way to do that.

Thank you.

通过使用本机代码(C)编写的自定义操作,只要执行MSI的用户有权执行安装程序,就可以在安装程序中执行任何操作(取决于该操作是UI阶段还是执行阶段)。 MSI-后者由系统服务运行)。

What I eneded up doing was using GetPrivateProfileString from importing "kernel32" dll, and sticking a custom written INI file next to the MSI. The property screens I was trying to fill out were removed, and now I can deploy a custom INI file with settings on a per client basis, without having to recompile, and make tedious changes to the installer settings in the project. Email or contact me if you want me to post the code.

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