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Access accelerometer via Javascript in Android?

Is there any way to access accelerometer data using Javascript on Android's browser? I know it supports "onorientationchange", but I'd like to get everything.

Clarification: I'm asking how to do this in a website, not a native app.

As of ICS, Android 4.0, you can use the 'devicemotion' event via a JavaScript event listener to access the accelerometer data. See the W3C documentation on how to access it - http://dev.w3.org/geo/api/spec-source-orientation.html .

Note - The W3C documentation title is named with 'device orientation', but the spec does indeed include 'devicemotion' event documentation.

Making an update to this thread.

HTML5 lets someone do this. Detecting whether or not an accelerometer is present is easy.

    if (window.DeviceMotionEvent == undefined) {
        //No accelerometer is present. Use buttons. 
        alert("no accelerometer");
    else {
        alert("accelerometer found");
        window.addEventListener("devicemotion", accelerometerUpdate, true);

In the function that you define to receive the accelerometer events, you can look at the accelerationIncludingGravity member.

function accelerometerUpdate(e) {
   var aX = event.accelerationIncludingGravity.x*1;
   var aY = event.accelerationIncludingGravity.y*1;
   var aZ = event.accelerationIncludingGravity.z*1;
   //The following two lines are just to calculate a
   // tilt. Not really needed. 
   xPosition = Math.atan2(aY, aZ);
   yPosition = Math.atan2(aX, aZ);

More information can be found here: http://dev.w3.org/geo/api/spec-source-orientation.html

You could try with PhoneGap that provides API to access the accelerometer from javascript.

Here the documentation.

If you are trying to access the accelerometer from a webpage hosted on a server (verus one integrated into a native application through WebView ), than the accelerometer data does not appear to be available as of now for Android. You can find a more detailed assessment here: http://www.mobilexweb.com/blog/android-froyo-html5-accelerometer-flash-player .

You might also want to check out this SO post: Detect rotation of Android phone in the browser with JavaScript

If I'm reading the docs correctly, you could set up a class (within Java/Android) that provides the accelerometer functionality you need in public functions.

Then setup a javascript interface for the webview using the addJavascriptInterface call, which makes the public functions in that class available to be called from within javascript.

Looking at this post flash.sensors.Accelerometer on Android within web browser it seems accelerometer data is available to flash. So a possible workaround (at least for devices which have flash) would be a small flash applet which grabbed the data for you.

Sounds like a hack, but still sounds better than making the whole thing in flash

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