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help me simplify this jquery code

i am making a form consist of radio buttons, and i am hiding the detail information which will appear according to what radio button checked, here's my code

$(function() {

        if ($("input[name='period']:checked").val() == '1'){
        }else if($("input[name='period']:checked").val() == '2'){
        }else if($("input[name='period']:checked").val() == '3'){
        }else if($("input[name='period']:checked").val() == '4'){
        }else if($("input[name='period']:checked").val() == '5'){
        }else if($("input[name='period']:checked").val() == '6'){
        }else if($("input[name='period']:checked").val() == '7'){
        }else if($("input[name='period']:checked").val() == '8'){
        }else if($("input[name='period']:checked").val() == '9'){

i think that this is rather horrible, how can i simplify this ? please help me thank you


  1. apply a class to all these elements: silver, silver2, silver3, silver4, gold, gold2, gold3, platinum, platinum2. Let's say it will be class="switchable"
  2. at the beginning of the method above don't hide each of the elements, but do simple:

  3. then apply some different attribute to each of the elements with according to values in your radiobuttons. That would be:

     <xx id="#silver" data-rel="1"></xx> ... <xx id="#silver2" data-rel="2"></xx> ... <xx id="#period" data-rel="3"></xx> ... // etc.. 
  4. then your change() handler should look like this:

     $("input[name='period']").change(function() { var rel = $("input[name='period']:checked").val(); $(".switchable").hide(); $(".switchable[data-rel='" + rel + "']").fadeIn("fast"); }); 

Hope you got my idea

You can try encapsulating the following lines in its own function. For example:

function do() {

Then inside your if-else condition, you can do the following:

    if ($("input[name='period']:checked").val() == '1'){
    }else if($("input[name='period']:checked").val() == '2'){
    }else if($("input[name='period']:checked").val() == '3'){

At least this would make your code readable.

Well, could you add a class="metal" to your silver, gold, etc? Then you could do this:

$(function() {

        switch ($("input[name='period']:checked").val()){
            case '1':
            case '2':

Alternatively, you could put this at the start:

var $metals = $('#silver, #silver2 (etc)');

And then use:


Why don't you use some metals class, then:

function reset() {

var gElems = [ "silver", "silver2", "silver3", "silver4", "gold", 
               "gold2", "gold3", "platinum", "platinum2" ]; 

$(function() {

        var val = $("input[name='period']:checked").val();

        if (val > 0 && val < gElem.length - 1) {
            $("#" + gElem[val + 1]).fadeIn("fast");

(not tested)

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