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Has anybody been able to install PyWeka?

I need to install in python 2.6 or 2.7 for windows the library PyWeka0.3dev, It says it requires setuptools, which I installed but then they told me it was a deprecated instalation library and I installed distribute, then I downloaded the PyWeka compressed package and each time I try to install it neither with setup.py nor with easy_install (where it says something like no module ez_setup). Can anybody give me a clue about how to do this?

As mentioned to you via Aardvark (yes, I am omnipresent), the module in question is broken. You can't easy_install it. It's a bug in PyWeka.

You can download the file from PyPI, http://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyWeka/0.3dev , and unpack it.

In the file setup.py, remove the following two lines:

from ez_setup import use_setuptools

And install it by running

python setup.py install

You need to have installed numpy and NamedMatrix (which has the same bug as PyWeka) first.

However, you mentioned you are on Windows. I strongly doubt that PyWeka will work on Windows. There are some Unix specific code in it.

And I still really want to know why the authors are reading files by calling cat from subprocess . That seems pretty pointless and is together with the broken install, good enough reason for me to keep far away from that module. I suspect it's authors simply have no idea what they are doing.

That, or they are geniuses.

A punk/goth approach to programming probably has the right to be..

To get the C-compliation part to work on windows you either need (1) to have Visual Studio of the same version that was used to compile the python version you are using, or (2) mingw which is a bit trickier to set up.

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