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Encode a String in JavaScript

I need HTML ENCODE in JavaScript (client side) a String (where User could insert HTML TAGS) from a TextBox so bypassing Reqeust.Validation.

Javascript should Encode string and Display it Encoded in Label.

       <asp:TextBox ID="uxValueInput" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
       <br />
       <asp:Label ID="uxResultEncoded" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>
       <asp:Button ID="uxEncodeButton" runat="server" Text="Button" />

I am new in JavaScript and I have tried different scripts on a web but with no success. Could you please post a really simple example so I would be able to understand how could work. Thanks!

I'm with David Dorland: Don't do this client-side, instead disable request validation ( here's an article saying how ). But if you do that, be sure you also use Anti-XSS or similar libraries to prevent exactly what it is that ASP.Net is trying to protect you from.

However, if you have a genuine use-case for doing minimal HTML-encoding on the client, you can do this:

var escapes = {
    '<': '&lt;',
    '>': '&gt;',
    '&': '&amp;'
var raw = "Hi, I'm an <scr" + "ipt src='http://evil.example.com/attack.js'><\/script> evil & malicious attack.";
var encoded = raw.replace(/[<>&]/g, function(m) {
    return escapes[m];

Live example

Here's how that works:

  1. We have a map called escapes which maps the raw character to the HTML entity for it (so maps < to &lt; , etc.).
  2. Our raw string has a malicious script.
  3. We use String#replace and a regular expression to search for all < , > , and & characters and replace them with their equivalent entity. When you pass a function into String#replace as the second argument, it gets called for each match and uses the return value as the replacement. The regex, /[<>&]/g , means "find < , > , or & globally (the g flag) within the string".

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