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ASP.NET MVC3 Custom Membership Provider - The membership provider name specified is invalid

I'm implementing a custom membership provider, and everything seems to go swimmingly until I create a MembershipUser object. At that point, I receive the error:

The membership provider name specified is invalid. Parameter name: providerName

In web.config the membership key is

<membership defaultProvider="MembersProvider">
    <add name="MembersProvider" type="Members.Providers.MembersProvider" connectionStringName="ApplicationServices"
         enablePasswordRetrieval="false" enablePasswordReset="true" requiresQuestionAndAnswer="false" requiresUniqueEmail="false"
         maxInvalidPasswordAttempts="5" minRequiredPasswordLength="6" minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters="0" passwordAttemptWindow="10"
         applicationName="DeviceDatabase" />

When creating the MembershipUser object from my custom User class:

    public static MembershipUser ToMembershipUser(User user)
        MembershipUser member = new MembershipUser
            , user.Name
            , user.Id
            , user.EmailAddress
            , user.PasswordQuestion
            , user.Comment
            , user.IsApproved
            , user.IsLockedOut
            , user.DateCreated
            , user.LastLoginDate ?? DateTime.MinValue
            , user.LastActivityDate ?? DateTime.MinValue
            , user.LastPasswordChangedDate ?? DateTime.MinValue
            , user.LastLockoutDate ?? DateTime.MinValue

        return member;

(I realize I could probably just inherit my User class from MembershipUser, but it's already part of an existing class hierarchy. I honestly think this is the first time I've encountered a legitimate need for for multiple inheritance!)

My feeling is that the new MembershipUser(...) providerName parameter is supposed to match what's set in web.config , but, since they match already, I'm at a loss as to how to proceed.

Is there a convenient way to get the name of the active membership provider in code?

I'm starting to think that using the built-in membership system is overkill and more trouble than it's worth.

Edit Not sure if it's relevant, but the custom membership provider class is in a class library, not the main WAP project.

Update Here's the contents of the System.Web.Security.Membership.Provider object as show in the VS2010 command window:

>eval System.Web.Security.Membership.Provider
    [Members.Providers.MembersProvider]: {Members.Providers.MembersProvider}
    base {System.Configuration.Provider.ProviderBase}: {Members.Providers.MembersProvider}
    ApplicationName: null
    EnablePasswordReset: true
    EnablePasswordRetrieval: false
    MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts: 5
    MinRequiredNonAlphanumericCharacters: 0
    MinRequiredPasswordLength: 6
    PasswordAttemptWindow: 10
    PasswordFormat: Function evaluation was aborted.
    PasswordStrengthRegularExpression: Cannot evaluate expression because debugging information has been optimized away .
    RequiresQuestionAndAnswer: Cannot evaluate expression because debugging information has been optimized away .
    RequiresUniqueEmail: Cannot evaluate expression because debugging information has been optimized away .

Update 2

This just randomly started working, which means I changed something but can't remember what it was. Stupid brain. I'll accept the only answer that's been posted and update this if I figure out what the problem was.

I used Membership.Provider.Name to get the correct name parameter

    public static MembershipUser GetUserFromEntity(this UserEntity userEntity)
        return new MembershipUser(

Not the solution yet, but with the two following functions you can at least get an idea what is registered:



I did inherit my User class from MembershipUser for some reason, but I'm pretty sure I had a good reason for it :-)

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