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C# Binary Search Tree Problem

I have programmed a binary search tree with method Add(). But it is not working. When I add number to the tree, root is still empty. Why?

EDIT: Code on pastebin, here I am havig some problems with displaying http://pastebin.com/jvP0WwhR

using System;

namespace bst
    public class Node
        public int value;
        public Node Right = null;
        public Node Left = null;

        public Node(int value)
            this.value = value;

    public class BST
        public Node Root = null;

        public BST()

        public void Add(int new_value)
                Console.WriteLine("Zadaná value (" + new_value + ") se ve stromu už nachází");


        public void AddNode(Node Actual, int new_value)
                if(Actual == null)
                    Actual = new Node(new_value);
                else if(new_value < Actual.value)
                else if(new_value > Actual.value)


        public bool Search(int hledane)
            Node Actual = this.Root;

            while(Actual != null)
                if(hledane < Actual.value)
                    Actual = Actual.Left;
                else if(hledane > Actual.value)
                    Actual = Actual.Right;
                    return true;
            return false;


        public void Display()

        public void DisplayUndertree(Node EnterNode, int deep)
            if(EnterNode != null)
                for(int i=1; i<=deep; i++)

            if(EnterNode.Left != null)

            if(EnterNode.Right != null)

    class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            BST strom = new BST();


            Console.Write("Press any key to continue . . . ");

Because the method:

public void PridejNode(Node Actual, int new_value)

might change the value of Actual, this parameter needs to be passed by reference:

public void PridejNode(ref Node Actual, int new_value)

EDIT Since I posed my answer, the method names changed from Pridej to Add.... same basic idea. Is that Czech?

Because Root is never assigned.

EDIT: I'll give credit to the other answer by abelenky. You need to pass by Node by reference.

public void PridejNode(ref Node Actual, int new_value)

You're passing "this.Root" by "value" not by "reference". Inside Pridejnode where you do "Actual = new Node(new_value)" you're effectively changing a local variable called "Actual" that originally had the value passed in to the function. This doesn't pass the value back out of the function so it's only a temporary local change that gets lost.

I'd read up on passing by reference - Passing Parameters (C#)

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