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Android ACRA SphreadSheet link

嗨,我需要使用ACRA进行崩溃报告,正在使用由Google提供的公司电子邮件帐户,问题是ACRA将崩溃报告发送至“连接到http: //spreadsheets.google.com/formResponse?...”,在我的情况下,我的sphreadsheet链接包含我的公司名称以及在这种情况下如何使用ACRA

There is an issue open on the ACRA project issue tracker. Please star the issue to receive e-mails about its resolution.


You should only have to uncheck the option "Require yourdomain.com sign-in to view this form" on the form edition page. Then you just have to provide the formId to ACRA, no need to override the formUri.

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