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StringTemplate on C#: does it really work or is it completely buggy?

I have tried without success to add anttlr.StringTemplate namespace to c# cs file it cannot find it.

Is this package for .net http://www.stringtemplate.org/download.html completely buggy ? If yes how can the author not even test this very basic stuff ?

Update: finally I found it. Yes the link from the official front page is yes Buggy! I have downloaded from another link http://www.antlr.org/download/CSharp and now it works. They didn't even check what a shame.

Since you are writing C# code (not Java), make sure the first letter of the namespace is capitalized, and that you only have one 't' in Antlr:

Correct: Antlr.StringTemplate
Incorrect: anttlr.StringTemplate

See http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ST/Five+minute+Introduction for details.


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