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Running a single test in maven -> No tests were executed

When I run a single test in Maven with this command:

mvn test -Dtest=InitiateTest

I'm getting the following result:

No tests were executed!

It worked a couple of minutes ago, but now it stopped working for some reason. I tried running mvn clean a couple of times before running the test, it doesn't help.

The test looks like this:

import org.openqa.selenium.*;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.Select;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;

public class InitiateTest {

    public static FirefoxDriver driver;

        public void setUp() throws Exception {
            driver = new FirefoxDriver();

    public void initiateTest() throws Exception {

    public void tearDown() throws Exception {


It's caused by adding this dependency to POM:


When I remove it, everything works fine. Everything works fine even when I add these two dependencies instead of the previous one:


This is weird.

You are probably picking up JUnit3 on your classpath somewhere, which effectively disables JUnit4.

Run mvn dependency:tree to find out where it's coming in from and add exclude if from the dependency.

也许您看到了这个 bug,据说它会影响 surefire 2.12 但不会影响 2.11?

I had the same problem. It was caused by testng dependency that came with junit3. Just add a exclusion statement for it and tests should work.


我已将“maven-surefire-plugin”更改为 2.14.1 版本(从 2.12 开始),它有所帮助

I got this error when trying to use @org.junit.Test



The correct annotation to be used is @org.junit.jupiter.api.Test

In my case, I was running a single test using mvn test -Dtest=MyTest. My mistake was that the only test had its @test annotation commented out so no test was being found in the file by junit. Doh!

从 2.6 更改为 2.18.1,现在一切正常

In the build session of the pom.xml, include this:


I had a similar issue. So I had to build the project from project's root level using

mvn clean install -DskipTests=True

And then run the test command from the directory where test package's pom was residing

mvn test -Dtest=TestClass

Also make sure that value of skip option is true. For example in my pom file, the default value of skip is true.



So when I run the maven test, I set it to false

mvn test -Dtest=TestUserUpdate* -DskipTests=false

将 org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin 更新为 2.22.0,已解决。

Had a similar problem adding jtestr dependency. It turns out one of its dependencies was picking up junit-3.8.1. I solved it using the exclusion statement below


Try running maven in debug mode. It might give you more information.

mvn -X -Dtest=InitiateTest test

I had this issue when duplicating and refactoring a test from a different class.

The issue was annotating a private method with @Test , causing it to be ignored, changing to public fixed the issue. :facepalm:

    public void testImportOrderItems() {
mvn test -Dtest='xxxx.*Test' -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true  -DfailIfNoTests=false

I have meet the same question that No tests were executed! My suggestion is add another paramters that -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true -DfailIfNoTests=false can solve it.

Maybe as useless as my last attempt, but I just read a JUnit 4 test class should import org.junit.Test.* and org.junit.Assert.* to be considered so. As you don't have the Assert import, it might be worth trying this quickly just to be sure...

I don't really how the @Test annotation processes your test, but can you try prefixing your test method with "test"?

public void testInit() throws Exception {

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