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Database Normalization

I've been given the task of normalizing this set of data:

COURSE=(CourseID, CourseName, CourseDuration, CourseFee{
    DelegateID, DelegateName, DelegateAddress, EventID, EventName, VenueID, VenueName, VenuePrice, BookingID, BookingType, BookingDate

The scenario is an IT company that runs short training courses at various hotels around the country, each event being hosted by one or more presenters (hence the BookingType - either Delegate or Presenter, if Presenter then no booking charge). An event is just an instance of a course running at a particular venue. VenuePrice refers to the cost for optional bed and breakfast at the hotel venue for the intervening nights

Here is what I have come up with for 3NF:

COURSE=(CourseID, CourseName, CourseDuration, CourseFee)  
DELEGATE=(DelegateID, DelegateName, DelegateAddress)  
EVENT=(EventID, VenueID*, CourseID*, EventName, EventDate)  
BOOKING=(BookingID, DelegateID*, EventID*, BookingDate, BookingType)  
VENUE=(VenueID, VenueName, VenuePrice)  

I'd like to know if this is at all accurate, and if not, perhaps a guiding hand in the right direction?


On what basis do you think that is in 3NF ?

Let's take a really simple example, Course . Where exactly if he Functional Dependency, on what key ? How can CourseName be dependent on CourseId , when CourseDuration and CourseFee are dependent on CourseName ?

Same with the rest of the tables; Event being a little more complex, has a few more errors.

You cannot normalise, or achieve 3NF, when your starting point is to stick an ID on everything that moves.

No. First normalise the data . Achieve 3NF. I can understand a CourseCode or ShortName as something the user may use to identify course, but no Id .

After that, if and only if you need to, add an Id column and the additional index.

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