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Expand canvas/transparent background in BitmapImage in a WPF app

This is a follow up question on Save image to file keeping aspect ration in a WPF app

I know howto scale the image, but how do I expand the canvas size, to ensure the image still has the requested width and height. In this example its 250x250 but its dynamic.

I have created this illustration to show what I'm trying to accomplice. 替代文字

I can't find any way of expanding the canvas of an BitmapImage, nor a way to create an in memory image in the correct size, with a transparent background, and then merging the two images together.

CroppedBitmap doesn't seem to support adding space around an image so instead you can create a transparent image the correct size using WriteableBitmap . If the input is smaller than the target size this method will enlarge it, but that is easy to alter.

public static BitmapSource FitImage(BitmapSource input, int width, int height)
    if (input.PixelWidth == width && input.PixelHeight == height)
        return input;

    if(input.Format != PixelFormats.Bgra32 || input.Format != PixelFormats.Pbgra32)
        input = new FormatConvertedBitmap(input, PixelFormats.Bgra32, null, 0);

    //Use the same scale for x and y to keep aspect ratio.
    double scale = Math.Min((double)width / input.PixelWidth, height / (double)input.PixelHeight);

    int x = (int)Math.Round((width - (input.PixelWidth * scale))/2);
    int y = (int)Math.Round((height - (input.PixelHeight * scale))/2);

    var scaled = new TransformedBitmap(input, new ScaleTransform(scale, scale));
    var stride = scaled.PixelWidth * (scaled.Format.BitsPerPixel / 8);

    var result = new WriteableBitmap(width, height, input.DpiX, input.DpiY, input.Format,null);

    var data = new byte[scaled.PixelHeight * stride];
    scaled.CopyPixels(data, stride, 0);
    result.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0,0,scaled.PixelWidth,scaled.PixelHeight), data, stride,x,y);
    return result;

If you are already rendering content using RenderTargetBitmap you could wrap it in a ViewBox to do the scaling but if you're just working with normal images I'd use the above method.


Just some code in case others are trying to postprocess files from a form upload.

if (file.PostedFile != null)
    //write the new file to disk
    string cachePath = String.Format("{0}temp\\", Request.PhysicalApplicationPath);
    string photoPath = String.Format("{0}temp.png", cachePath);                
    if (!Directory.Exists(cachePath))


//resize the new file and save it to disk               
BitmapSource banana = FitImage(ReadBitmapFrame(file.PostedFile.InputStream), 640, 480);
PngBitmapEncoder encoder = new PngBitmapEncoder();
FileStream pngStream = new FileStream(cachePath + "test.png", FileMode.Create);

//set a couple images on page to the newly uploaded and newly processed files
image.Src = "temp/temp.png";
image.Visible = true;
image2.Src = "temp/test.png"; 

   image2.Visible = true;

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