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Reading autoshapes from excel using java

我必须在Java中阅读一张充满流程图的excel表(椭圆形,不同类型的连接器等)。我尝试了apache poi,jxl,jxls之类的库。从这些apache poi,jxl中可以排除它们确实不支持excel自动形状。我不确定jxls。我已经通过了它的api,但是我不确定它是否可以达到我的目的,因此我需要一些专业知识。如果可以使用jxls读取自动形状,请提供一些示例代码。任何帮助都是还可以让我知道是否有任何付费图书馆可用于此目的(Aspose.Cells是其中之一,但它不支持连接器。)...预先感谢。

The only reasonable solution would be using Com4J, with an Excel binding, and then controlling an Excel ActiveX instance to read the data from it. This is so native to Excel that you won't be able to do it without excel. Eventually you can do this by remoting OpenOfice (has a native Java Binding!).

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