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How do I return a struct containing binary data from a WCF REST service?

I have to implement the following scenario:

  • the client sends a request to a WCF REST service providing a set of parameters and a binary file to process
  • the service gets the file, processes it and produces a result binary file
  • the service has to return some structure that contains a "success/fail" processing status, an error message if any, and if there was no error - the result file

In a SOAP service I'd just return something like the following:

class ProcessingResult {
    bool IsFailed;
    string ErrorMessage;
    byte[] ResultData;

and the middleware would properly serialize this over the wire, then the client proxy (produced by parsing WSDL) would deserialize it and the client would be happy.

How do I desing something similar in a WCF REST service?

You can do the same in REST service. Here is the service contract:

public interface IService
    [WebInvoke(Method = "POST")]
    ProcessingResult ProcessData(byte[] data);

public class ProcessingResult
    public bool IsFailed { get; set; }
    public string ErrorMessage { get; set; }
    public byte[] ResultData { get; set; }

All byte arrays will be send as base64 encoded string. Example of request message:

<base64Binary xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/">QmFzZSA2NCBTdHJlYW0=</base64Binary>

Example of response message:

<ProcessingResult xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/RestService">
  <ErrorMessage>String content</ErrorMessage>

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