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VS2010 C++ variadic template example

I have a class template and I can't seem to figure out how to perform a Variadic Template style instantiation.

Here is the "code" so far of what I'm looking for:

template<typename _Classname, typename... Args>
class CFunctorStartExT 
  friend class CXXFactory;
  template<typename U>
  CFunctorStartExT(typename U& _functor, Args&... args) :
  virtual bool ProcessLoop(CSomeClass* pThread)
    return m_Functor(pThread, m_args);

  _Classname& m_Functor;
  Args... m_args;

Obviously this won't compile :). The idea is to create a class that can store the values passed in (if any.. it might just have _Classname/U defined) on the constructor so they can be retrieved later to pass to m_Functor in another function.

First: can Variadic Template even be done in VS2010? I am getting compile problems just with the template declaration error C2143: syntax error : missing ',' before '...' from the line template<typename _Classname, typename... Args>

Second, can what I am trying to accomplish be done? Thanks!

Visual C ++ 2010不支持可变参数模板。

I believe the following will do what you want. First you need a utility:

// make_tuple_indices

template <size_t...> struct tuple_indices {};

template <size_t _Sp, class _IntTuple, size_t _Ep>
struct make_indices_imp;

template <size_t _Sp, size_t ..._Indices, size_t _Ep>
struct make_indices_imp<_Sp, tuple_indices<_Indices...>, _Ep>
    typedef typename make_indices_imp<_Sp+1, tuple_indices<_Indices..., _Sp>, _Ep>::type type;

template <size_t _Ep, size_t ..._Indices>
struct make_indices_imp<_Ep, tuple_indices<_Indices...>, _Ep>
    typedef tuple_indices<_Indices...> type;

template <size_t _Ep, size_t _Sp = 0>
struct make_tuple_indices
    static_assert(_Sp <= _Ep, "make_tuple_indices input error");
    typedef typename make_indices_imp<_Sp, tuple_indices<>, _Ep>::type type;

Then you can use this to help you expand a tuple holding your arguments:

template<typename _Classname, typename... Args>
class CFunctorStartExT 
  friend class CXXFactory;
  template<typename U>
  CFunctorStartExT(U& _functor, Args&... args) :

  virtual bool ProcessLoop(CSomeClass* pThread)
    return ProcessLoop(pThread,
                       typename make_tuple_indices<sizeof...(Args)>::type());

  _Classname& m_Functor;
  std::tuple<Args...> m_args;

    template <std::size_t ...Indx>
    bool ProcessLoop(CSomeClass* pThread, tuple_indices<Indx...>)
        return m_Functor(pThread, std::get<Indx>(m_args)...);

As far as VS2010 variadic template support: I have no idea.

Variadic templates are a patch upon a kludge upon a hack -- you're not going to enjoy this. The way to do this (off the top of my head) is to use template specialization together with inheritance. Something along these lines:

template<typename Classname, typename... Args>
class CFunctorStartExT;

template<typename Classname, typename Arg0, typename... Args>
class CFunctorStartExT : private CFunctorStartExT<Classname, Args...> {
  Arg0 m_arg;

template<typename Classname>
class CFunctorStartExT {
  Classname &m_Functor;

I've never done this before, and haven't tested it, but this is the general idea. You could have a look at a std::tuple implementation for something that actually works.

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