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Using Stacks In C++ for infix and postfix expressions

I'm writing a program that takes user input and uses stacks to convert an infix expression into a postfix expression based on precedence, with operands always going before operators. For example, if a user inputs:


then the program should display:


so far, I have this:

#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
    stack<char> s;
    char input;
    while (cin.get(input) && input != '\n')
            if (isalnum(input))
                cout << input << "\n";
            else if (input == '(')
            else if (input == ')')
        while (!s.empty() && s.top() != '(')
            cout << s.top();
                cout << "ERROR: No Matching ( \n";
     else if (s.empty() && input == '*'||'/'||'+'||'-' && s.top() < input) // Error Begins Here?
         char a = '*';
         char b = '/';
         char c = '+';
         char d = '-';
         bool prec (char a, char b, char c, char d);
             return ('*' > '/' > '+' > '-');
         else if (input == '*'||'/'||'+'||'-' && s.top() >= input)
             while (!s.empty()) 
              cout << s.top();
    while (!s.empty())
        cout << s.top();

Which compiles and runs but is not functioning as it should. When an expression like "ab" is input, the program will display "ab" as it should but if I input "a+b+c", then only "a" will be displayed. This means the program is not placing the operators into the stack to be displayed later on. What I need help with is modifying the program so that when an operator is input, it should be added onto the stack and then displayed based on it's precedence (*>/>+>-) after the operands, when the input is done.

I'm quite new to C++ and programming in general, so any suggestions would be great.

else if (input == '*'||'/'||'+'||'-' && s.top() >= input)

This does not do what you think it does. You need to do

else if (input == '*'|| input == '/'|| input == '+'|| input == '-' && s.top() >= input)

And this looks like an error too

bool prec (char a, char b, char c, char d);

That's the syntax for a function prototype. Are you sure this compiles?

The problem is here:

bool prec (char a, char b, char c, char d);
return ('*' > '/' > '+' > '-');

I'm guessing this is intended to define a precedence function, but that's not what it's doing. The first line declares that such a function exists (and its arguments have nothing to do with the variables declared in the previous lines), and the second causes the whole program to terminate. If you want a function like this, you must define it outside main .

A slightly less dramatic bug is here:

if (s.empty() && input == '*'||'/'||'+'||'-' && s.top() < input)

First, this part

input == '*'||'/'||'+'||'-'

is interpreted as

(input == '*') || ('/') || ('+') || ('-')

The last three terms are true, the first is irrelevant. And I'm not even sure what s.top() does if s is empty.

This should be enough to go on. I suggest you start by building and testing routines that can, eg, identify the operators and evaluate their precedence, before you try putting everything together in one program.

Falmarri is right just wanted to post that my self , and it compiles I tried it , but there is another thing : you said else if (s.empty() && input == '*'||'/'||'+'||'-' && s.top() < input) // Error Begins Her e? Are you sure that even reached that point because when I runn it , it just stops on the :

while (cin.get(input) && input != '\n')

until I hit enter and even more you can enter more then one char from consol while in cin.get(input) but the input will contain only the first char you entered . To solve this I just put an #include <conio.h> at the beginning an used

while ((input = getch()) && input != (char)13) in staid of you're code  

short explanation


returns after you press only one character and

input != (char)13 is required in staid of input != '\\n' because getch() return (char)13 for ENTER see ASCII table for more info.

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