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Find path dir from mysql in php

I currently saving all my file paths in the database like this

 ID   |      file_path
  1         home/games/ps3/cod.png
  2         home/err.png
  3         home/games/ps3logo.png
  4         home/games/xboxlogo.png
  5         home/games/pclogo.png
  6         home/games/wiilogo.png
  7         home/msg.png 

I am trying to use php to search all the files and get the files from the dir you selected

$folder_path = "home/games/ps3";

I only want to show all the images in the ps3 folder?

Assuming I understand your question, you should just be able to do a query like:

$query = "SELECT * FROM files WHERE file_path LIKE '".$folder_path."%'";

That will return all rows where the file_path column starts with whatever value the PHP $folder_path variable contains.

Try using a REGEX like so:

$query = "SELECT * FROM files WHERE file_path RLIKE '^".$folder_path."/[^/]*\$'";

The query should look like:

WHERE file_path RLIKE '^home/games/ps3/[^/]*$'

If you have the path, you can use the 'readdir' function:


$folder_path = "home/games/ps3";

if ($handle = opendir($folder_path)) {

    while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
        // Do whatever you want with $file


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