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Eclipse visualization for chain of method call

I am looking for a useful eclipse plugin that can:

  • visualize chain of methods call (Java)
  • visualize data types hierarchy (Java)

Could you recommend anything?

You could just also right click the method your interested in and click open call hierarchy or show references in the workspace project or working set. These are default with eclipse.

You could use a tool called Eclipse Diver

It allows to reverse sequence diagram for any method, user manual here

Have a look at Codemap :

--> Eclipse plugin which will show you a window with a 'map' of your code. It creates a map of islands displaying the classes in your project using a similartiy metric. It also allows you to display method calls as arrows between the 'islands'.

Very cool project, I am not up to date about the latest state of development.

CallGraph Viewer Eclipse plug-in :

Provides Call-Path and Sequence Diagram viewers.

Enables graphical analysis of program call relations and flow sequencing. Also enables exploration of extended class inheritance hierarchies.

Call-path analysis and class hieararchy resolution are performed using the JDT platform Search and Call Hierarchy mechanisms.

Sequence diagrams are generated from a static analysis of of the JDT platform AST for any selected class or method.


Not a released plugin, but for type hierarchy visualization have a look at http://pbwhiteboard.blogspot.com/2010/12/zest-type-hierarchy-view.html

For a related plugin (but not quite what you are looking for), have a look at http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/debug-visualisation-eclipse

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