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Safe filter with highlight template tag django-haystack

I'm using Django Haystack to make search on my site, but i need to filter all html code of my TextField with the template filter "safe" and highlight the search results according to search criteria.

Is there a way to do this? I've tried with

{% highlight result.object.content|safe with query %}

but it doesn't work.


What you really want is to highlight words in HTML document. This problem is hard (using safe will not help you). Let assume that your content is:

<h1>my title</h1>
my content

If user type content in search box you will want to get something like this:

<h1>my title</h1>
my <em>content</em>

But wait a minute, what if user type h1 in search. If you apply algorithm naively you will get:

<<em>h1</em>>my title</<em>h1</em>>
my content

So to solve you problem highlighter should:

  1. Parse HTML.
  2. highlight in parsed document.
  3. Print document.

Unfortunatly I don't know if someone have written such highliter for haystack. But you can write you own. Here is explained how: http://django-haystack.readthedocs.org/en/latest/highlighting.html

I also faced this issue and the workaround can be to use the with tag:

{% load highlight %}
{% with obj.text|safe as text %}
    {% highlight text with my_query %}
{% endwith %}

This works for me :)

This template tag will highlight words only for the text part of your html code.

import re

from django import template
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe

register = template.Library()

def do_highlight(parser, token):
    tag_name, words = token.contents.split(' ', 1)
    nodelist = parser.parse(('endhighlight',))
    return HighlightNode(nodelist, words)

class HighlightNode(template.Node):
    def __init__(self, nodelist, words):
        self.nodelist = nodelist
        self.words = words

    def render(self, context):
        # initial data
        html_data = self.nodelist.render(context)

        # prepare words to be highlighted
        words = context.get(self.words, "")
        if words:
            words = [w for w in re.split('[^\w]+', words) if w]
            pattern = re.compile(r"(?P<filter>%s)" % '|'.join(words), re.IGNORECASE)
        else :
            # no need to go further if there is nothing to highlight
            return html_data

        # parse the html
        chunks = html_data.split('<')
        parsed_data = [chunks.pop(0)]

        # separate tag and text
        for chunk in chunks:
            if chunk:
                if '>' in chunk:
                    tagdata, text = chunk.split('>', 1)
                    endtag = '>'
                    # the tag didn't end
                    tagdata, text, endtag = chunk, '', ''

                # rebuild tag

                # highligh words in text
                if text:
                    text = mark_safe(re.sub(pattern,
                                            r'<span class="highlight">\g<filter></span>',

        return ''.join(parsed_data)

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