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Sending and receiving byte[] using socket

I have Socket socket=new Socket(ipAddress, port); in my code. I need to send byte[] and receive byte[] over that socket. How to do that, what wrappers to use (I always send byte[] and receive byte[] )?

Take a look at the tutorial on Reading from and Writing to a Socket .

To write a byte array to a socket you would:

byte[] message = ...;
Socket socket=new Socket(ipAddress, port);
OutputStream socketOutputStream = socket.getOutputStream();

Similarly, to read, you would use socket.getInputStream .

You don't need wrappers. Just call getInputStream() and getOutputStream() on the socket object. The returned objects have read(byte[]) and write(byte[]) methods. Be careful to take the return value of read(byte[]) into account (it returns the number of bytes actually read).

On the server side, create a new ServerSocket and call accept() on the socket object to accept incoming connections. (You may wish to handle the newly connected session in a new thread to avoid blocking the main thread.)

On the client side, create a new Socket and call connect() with the server's address and port to initiate the connection.

Use this

public static byte[] sendandrecive(byte[] message)
    byte[] real = null;

        Socket s=new Socket("",2775);
        DataInputStream dis=new DataInputStream(s.getInputStream());  
        DataOutputStream dout=new DataOutputStream(s.getOutputStream());  

        dout.write(message, 0, message.length);


        byte[] data = new byte[1000];
        int count = dis.read(data);
        real =new byte[count+1];
        for(int i=1;i<=count;i++)



    catch(Exception e)
    return real;  

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