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reading all spans of a div dynamically

I have a div inside which i have number of spans. Now i want to read all text of all spans along with thrir id and populate it into a javascript map where key = spanid and value =" text of span.How can i do it?

Eg <div mydiv="xyx" >   
     <span id ="sp1" > M/span>
     <span id ="sp2" > M/span>


How can i populate the map?

You can get the elements using document.getElementById and document.getElementsByTagName , then iterate through them and add them to the object. Use textContent and innerText to obtain the text of the span element, and insert them into the object like so:

var spans = document.getElementById('xyx').getElementsByTagName('span'), 
    obj = {};

for(var i = 0, l = spans.length; i < l; i++){
    obj[spans[i].id] = spans[i].textContent || spans[i].innerText;

See it working here: http://www.jsfiddle.net/SJs4h/

var container=document.getElementById('xyx');
var spanArray=container.getElementsByTagName('span');
for(var s=0;s<spanArray.length;s++){

Using Jquery its very simple:

var spans = $('#xyx').find('span');
var arr = new Array();
 foreach(spans as span)
       arr[$(span).attr('id')] = $(span).text;

Hope i helped.

Update: None jquery way:

var spans = document.getElementById('xyx');
spans = spans.getElementsByTagName('span');
var arr = new Array();
foreach(spans as span) 
   arr[span.getAttribute('id')] = arr[span.innerHTML];

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