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Using showModalDialog together with Selections

I need to use the showModalDialog method to display a message to a user, which will also need to have two buttons, a "Yes" and "No" but unsure how to approach this method.

I am using IE8 and unsure how to declare this and how I need to assign this that will also cater for both "Yes" and "No" options.

If "No" is pressed, I basically want the showModalDialog closed, with no further action required by the user.

If "Yes" is pressed, I then want it to go off and call a JavaScript function.

I have looked online but I can't seem to find any examples relating to what I am after here.

I am seeking links to good examples that relates to my requirement above.

  • If you are using jQuery, then you would use it's powerfull widget library http://jqueryui.com


$(function() {
  var external_data = "i'm outside the func";
    $('.show-modal-dialog').click(function(e) {
       var internal_data = "i'm inside the call";
       var a = this;
            title: 'this is a modal dialog',
            modal: true,
            open: function(event, ui) {
              $(this).append(a.href); //append inside the Dialog it self
            buttons: {
                'Yes': function() {
                    alert(a.href + ' ' + external_data + ' ' + internal_data);
                'No': function() {


<div id="dialog-message"><p>Lorem Ipsum Est</p></div>

<a class="show-modal-dialog" href="http://www.google.it">Show Modal Dialog</a>

If you are using jquery.ui you, checkout this sample . If you don't want to use jquery.ui, take a look at Block.UI plugin.

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