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How to set text alignment on a column of QTableView programmatically?

So far the only solution I have found is to subclass QItemDelegate and implement my alignment rule in the paint() function. Is it really the simplest way?

I am using the C++ API.

The alternative to subclussing QItemDelegate is to subclass your model and override data() method.

QVariant MyModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const {
    if (index.column() == yourCellIndex && role == Qt::TextAlignmentRole) {
        return Qt::AlignLeft;
    } else {
        return QVariant();
QSqlTableModel *model2= new QSqlTableModel();


QSortFilterProxyModel *proxy1=new QSortFilterProxyModel();

QStandardItemModel *modd=new QStandardItemModel();

for (int z =0; z< proxy1->rowCount(); ++z)
    for (int y =0; y< proxy1->columnCount(); ++y)
        QStandardItem *item= new QStandardItem();


Following works for me:

void MainWindow::fillTable()
    sudukoItem->setText( "qq" );

    sudukoModel->appendRow( sudukoItem );
    sudukoTable->setModel( sudukoModel );

    sudukoTable->setRowHeight( ( sudukoModel->rowCount() - 1 ), 100 );
    sudukoTable->setColumnWidth( ( sudukoModel->columnCount() - 1 ), 100 );


QTableView*         sudukoTable;
QStandardItemModel* sudukoModel;
QModelIndex*        modelIndex;

QStandardItem*      sudukoItem;

Credit goes to this comment: How to set text alignment on a column of QTableView programmatically?

`item->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); work well for me. – Ratah

if you make a custom Model you can add this in YourModel::data()

if(role == Qt::TextAlignmentRole)
    if (col == 0 || col == 3) // change text alignment to horizontal and vertical center only for cells with in columns 0 and 3.
    return int(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter);

source: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/modelview.html

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