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Bash Script - Using Basename to Output to File

I've created a small script to test out getting the basename of all files in the current directory. I want to output them all to a file output.txt but using a for loop, of course the file is just overwritten each time. Using the following code, how could I modify it to simply append each one to the end of the file (simply)?


files=$(find -size +100)

for f in $files; do
    basename "$f" > output.txt



find -size +100 -exec basename "{}" \; >> output

Use MrAfs' suggestion and move the redirection to the end of the loop. By using > instead of >> you don't have to truncate the file explicitly.

Also, use a while read loop so it works in case there are spaces in filenames. The exit at the end is redundant.


find -size +100 | while read -r f
    basename "$f"
done > output.txt

In some cases, you will want to avoid creating a subshell. You can use process substitution:


while read -r f
    basename "$f"
done < <(find -size +100) > output.txt

or in the upcoming Bash 4.2:


shopt -s lastpipe    
find -size +100 | while read -r f
    basename "$f"
done > output.txt


You can redirect bash constructs


files=$(find -size +100)

for f in $files; do
    basename "$f" 
done > output.txt


You can do this:

rm -f output.txt
for f in $files; do
    basename "$f" >> output.txt

Or this:

for f in $files; do
    basename "$f"
done > output.txt


find -size +100 -printf "%f\n" > output.txt

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