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WCF hosted in Windows service + web page?

I am not sure if I am about to ask a noddy question, but here it goes. I have a WCF service hosted in a Windows service and a new requirement has come in: A keepalive web page necessary for load balancing. Is it possible to host this page from my Windows service?

Do I need to resort to hosting the WCF service in IIS? I would prefer not to do this.

Thank you.


More than one year later, I hope this can help


How to: Create a Basic WCF Web HTTP Service

Look at the contract:

public interface IService
    string EchoWithGet(string s);

    string EchoWithPost(string s);

you have the request (or post request) in 's' param and you must write the output html in the return. That's all

Your windows service may expose an HTTP endpoint by basicHttpBinding or wsHttpBinding. IIS is not required. To host an HTTP endpoint via IIS has some benefits though like message based activation.

And if IIS is already running on the same machine be sure to pick a port different from 80 for your windows service HTTP endpoint since IIS will listen to requests on port 80 and then the requests wouldn't reach your service.

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